The difference between Good and ‘Off’ online content

“I have to watch 4 hours of online training before the end of the month. It’s why I’ve gone back to knitting, even though my friends think it's weird” says a manger in her 30s in financial services.

Content is a tough world. It’s either good. Or turned off. Or, in this case, knitted through 🧶.

Which poses a HUGE challenge for Learning and Development Teams responding to the hunger for skills development, at scale, fast. Especially when many people are working remotely and have the attention spans of my teen on TikTok.

✅ Especially when, as a retail HR director put it, “We have to shove everyone through so much compliance, tick box development that it’s hard to get them to engage with the interesting stuff”.

This week on the vlog, the emerging trends all designed to keep attention versus the intangible, boring stuff you may be familiar with.

🫰🏻 PLUS - drum roll! - a sneak preview of the ‘Snaps’ we’re about to launch…. Short, high-energy development content aimed at working parents struggling to make it all work (grounded in the research for my book The Mother of All Jobs - yes dads are included) and teams and individuals struggling with low energy.

If you’re an HR or L&D leader wanting to know more, let us know and we’ll send you a preview 💌.

Next week

Isabel Berwick of the FT Working It Podcast with everything she wishes someone had told her earlier in her career 📣

Christine x


Can I have your advice? 🧠


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