2022. Buckle up with a fighter pilot.

Happy New Year!!

We all need a boost this week to I went to visit Mandy Hickson, former RAF fighter pilot turned motivational speaker, to get her advice on how to soar into 2022. She was full of laughter, despite being unable to book into her regular spinning classes, due to all the New Years Resolutioners turning up to hyperventilate (aka me).

Mandy’s Hot Takes

🗻 What does military training teach us about why we feel so unsettled? You need parameters within your control to counter the madness.

🏅 What we think of all those punishing New Years Resolutions out there: choosing the middle of winter to give up carbs, alcohol, sugar, you know… ‘joy’.

💪🏻 Try applying the Guardian’s brilliant list of ‘100 ways to *slightly* improve your life without really trying’ to your work. Please add your own small changes to this list!


✍🏻 Redesign: my theme for 2022 and International Women’s Day (8 March).

Next week

As promised before 🎅🏼 came down the chimney: the first phase of our research into how to make hybrid actually work.



Death of hybrid: greatly exaggerated?


Finding JOY in a Slush Puppie