Leadership workshops: thrive in the future of work

Direction. Clarity. Confidence


Boring. Pointless. A chore. Cringe. Corporate training is unfit for the past, let alone the future.

Top-down workshops and programmes will always fail to engage and inspire.

So we work from the ground up.

Our workshops help leaders engage with their teams to unlock potential, shift mindsets, and achieve consensus to drive change and secure better business outcomes. 

Talk. Learn. Take action.

Change is already here. Time to catch up.

Or time to get ahead.

Post-pandemic, everyone is rethinking how we work. Leaders struggle with hybrid, productivity and retention, while employees feel they lack ownership, purpose and connection. Simply put, no one is on the same page.

But this state of confusion and uncertainty opens up a unique opportunity for exploration and innovation.

Our workshops and programmes help leaders clear the fog, unpick the knots, and find new ways of working to achieve better business outcomes.


Just lean in and we'll do the work.

We get it. This might be complicated. You're worried about time commitments. You want to be clear on the outcomes from the start. And there's a real need for value creation in this process.

Don't worry. This isn't rocket science. It's more of a journey, travelling towards positive outcomes. And you can hop on any time.

We do one-day comms workshops. Leadership away days on retention. Long-term programmes to reimagine the workplace and solve the productivity problem. Our frameworks and processes are flexible, and tailored to meet your objectives.


What people are saying

  • Brilliant Stuff yesterday Christine, thank you. You went down a storm and were definitely the most talked about slot, the most energy and the most interesting.

    — Terry Meighan, Balfour Beatty

  • We’ve not worked before with someone as adaptable and evidently talented at picking-up exactly what the event topic was.

    — 438 Marketing for PepsiCo

  • Christine's incisiveness helped us to move forward with the project in a very practical way. We are very proud that it has already led to a positive result.

    — Marie Heyvaert, Liedekerke

 Some of our clients

Rethink how you work


Design and delivery

Compelling content

Video expertise

Internal, external, media


Culture and connection

Death to all meetings

Unrealistic expectations

Communications overload


Employee engagement

Incentivising loyalty

Meaning and purpose

Work-life balance