What if he’s right?
Change Christine Armstrong Change Christine Armstrong

What if he’s right?

A troubling thought has entered public consciousness. What if Trump (and indeed Musk) are right about some stuff?

I know, you’re trying to remember your best Malcolm Tuckers to shout at me (well worth a Google if you’ve got headphones on). But watch the vlog before you start screaming obscenities.

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Ditch the naked dresses, now
IWD Christine Armstrong IWD Christine Armstrong

Ditch the naked dresses, now

A friend said last night she just wants to turn off the news, hide from the outside world and feel sad about everything that is happening.

I TOTALLY get it.

But it’s not the answer this International Women’s Day.

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Gen Z are all the same
Gen Z Christine Armstrong Gen Z Christine Armstrong

Gen Z are all the same

Yesterday, I spoke to a CEO who told me, very confidently, that everyone would soon be back in the office five days a week.

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The 3 kinds of speakers…
Speaking Christine Armstrong Speaking Christine Armstrong

The 3 kinds of speakers…

I wanted to share with you my word for 2025 but it’s too dark so we canned it as a vlog! To follow in a carousel next week.

Instead we have the pros and cons of different kids of speaker.

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Less talent? Do this.
Talent Christine Armstrong Talent Christine Armstrong

Less talent? Do this.

This week all the news is about Return to Office. Especially WPP herding its teams back for four days in the office, including two Fridays a month.

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Solve work loneliness
Work Christine Armstrong Work Christine Armstrong

Solve work loneliness

Work in the 90s and early 2000s, meant hours of time together, dealing with everything from the hilarious to illegal, via a sushi-hurling boss and a creative who overtook his “sleeping meds” at Heathrow.

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Have we cursed a generation? 📉
Gen Z Christine Armstrong Gen Z Christine Armstrong

Have we cursed a generation? 📉

I don’t want to go full Jordan Peterson on you, but my ears pricked up recently when another speaker on our panel, the head of talent at a huge UK employer, said casually:

"We’ve stopped bothering to hire from Russell Group universities."

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Work baby work ⛏️
Work Christine Armstrong Work Christine Armstrong

Work baby work ⛏️

The choice couldn’t be starker. Leaders are going to have to make decisions about the kind of work they want to create in either system. And then show it works for their teams.

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Save 3 Hours a Week with AI, In 3 Minutes!
AI Christine Armstrong AI Christine Armstrong

Save 3 Hours a Week with AI, In 3 Minutes!

Are you an AI cat or dog?

I am meeting a lot of AI cats on my travels. People who distrust AI but truthfully haven’t used it. They have often banned it in their offices (and believe that younger colleagues are not using it secretly ), have commissioned long strategic plans for its use in the future and say that it cannot be trusted because it hallucinates. Which it does. Sometimes.

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