Age: the last bastion of discrimination?

“We’ll know we have equality when there are lots of really bloody useless women running massive companies.”

Eleanor Mills, former editor of The Sunday Times Magazine, has turned her attention to empowering women in midlife by launching Noon. Hear what she has to say about it on the vlog and her final reflections on whether some senior jobs are what the seem.

“All these women who look like they have senior jobs—basically fluffers to senior men.”

In 2018, Eleanor made me and my kids a cover story in the Sunday Times Magazine. Those 5000 words were the best read piece in the magazine that year. Over 1000 messages over the next 48 hours (from people I didn’t know), confirmedthat shining a light on the realities of work-life was needed and wanted.

On my mind:

“Covid has created a generation of 50-something men who will never work again”.

What about those men?

Who is representing them?

If you are, please get in touch and tell me what you are thinking.


PS. We are approaching the one year anniversary of this vlog! How crazy is that?! Next week I’ll be reflecting on what, if anything, I’ve learnt.


One year on: can we bounce back better?


What #IWD isn't about