5 years of LinkedIn: 5 unexpected learnings
It’s 5 years since Filip convinced me I should launch a LinkedIn vlog. These are the things I’ve learnt:
1. Be ready to throw your dignity in the bin. This is not a cool platform. If you’re cool (clearly, I’m not), do TikTok or Insta.
2. The algo is a fiend. Yes, plenty of tech bros claim they’ve cracked it, carousel season, selfie season, “I can make you $1 million by lunch” season. Ignore it all. Just turn up… fairly regularly.
3. Best not to be dull. “Adolescence is astonishing,” isn’t news. “Adolescence is mould-breaking because it doesn’t blame the mother” might be (TBD). See also stiff over-polished corporate content.
4. Or anyone else. Being deliberately controversial about stuff you don’t really believe only works for Jeremy Clarkson.
5. Most importantly? Enjoy it. The best thing about LinkedIn is the people, funny, wise and generous with their knowledge. Some of them have even turned into real-life mates. How brilliant is that?
What have you learnt in your LinkedIn life?
See you next week.
PS if you want the longer take from Filip about why he convinced me to do the vlog and what more analysis on how we made it work, let us know. There’s a more in-depth film about the process and the team.