How to handle bullies & blunderers

Dominic Raab (Deputy Prime Minister) and Tony Danker (Director-General of the CBI) have both left their jobs, furiously refuting allegations of bullying and misconduct.

I, like most of you I reckon, recognise the pattern.

Bosses who are seen as bullies or inappropriately behaved, who then, when challenged, indignantly deny all wrong-doing and profess total bewilderment…

There are three things these people usually underestimate:

📣 The power of the boss’ voice

📖 The constantly moving line of social norms

👂🏻 The importance of listening, and (of course!) changing

For those who don’t get it, there can be only one answer…

The vlog explores my take—I would love to know your thoughts, so please do comment.

Next week

Would you rather someone delivered on time or did something perfectly?


PS. Due to the volume of people asking to pick my brain on subjects including:

- making new ways of working work

- managing up

- their terrifying presentation in two weeks

- where I buy clothes (only half joking)

I’m offering two one-to-one, 55 minute Zoom slots a week when I’m not on the road. Do note, I’m neither a counsellor nor particularly lovely, so expect dark humour and practicalities!

Booking details and prices via


One thing you MUST know about your colleagues


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