Never see productivity advice the same way again

I’ve been interviewing people with complicated lives who still get a huge amount done.

People who rely on carers to get out of bed. Kids with additional needs. Parents who can’t remember if they ate their dinner or left it in the microwave. Or any combination of these and other challenges.

For them, the standard productivity advice NEVER works…

Enjoy gentle reader / watcher!


PS. My Productivity for Real People keynote and workshop is open for bookings (“I thought one woman was going to fall off the balcony so hard she was laughing in so much recognition”, “Funny AND practical”). 

PPS.  We’ve also got two new video content series called Snaps. One is to improve team and individual energy, and therefore productivity. The other to support working parents. They are a series of two to three-minute videos, with supporting workbooks. Designed for busy people with short attention spans! 

PPS. For these or any anything else you need, drop me/Elaine a line at the usual places. Speak soon!


Productivity advice misses the point


What will your kids say when they grow up?