Productivity advice misses the point

Our friend, Chris Mitchell, rowed across the Atlantic Ocean this year. He and teammate, Robbie Laidlaw, raised over £250,000 for charity — an incredible achievement. Chris and Robbie have been given awards, written about, and invited onto stages, podcasts, and panels to talk about their epic row and the three years of work that led to it.

However, as both are quick to acknowledge, what made their achievement possible was the support they got.

Whether it was caring for children, fundraising, managing logistics, supporting training, or simply offering encouragement, dozens of people, including their immediate families, didn’t just step up to make it possible — they Bench Pressed their own body weight to do it.

But these stories aren’t the ones we hear.

Watch the vlog to see why you can cancel your 3:55 a.m. yoga alarm for dawn on the longest day. So much productivity advice misses the point, and we have the data to prove it. 📉

You’re very welcome!



Men are Gifted. Talented. And working VERY hard.


Never see productivity advice the same way again