Productivity hacks that don’t work (and 5 things that really do)

This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions from my media consumption! 🎢

On the delighted side:

I’ve been listening to an incredible book (details coming next week!) on how the brain changes when you have children. Plus, I’m FINALLY galloping through Slow Horses (yes, I know you ALL told me—#lamb-tastic 🐑).

On the infuriated side:

I’ve been binge-watching “productivity hacks” on YouTube and Instagram... 😤

Here’s the thing: Through all the interviews I’ve been doing with super-productive people, one truth keeps surfacing—life changes your brain! Parenting is just one example, but there are so many others: adolescence, aging, illness, job loss, grief, divorce... all these major events affect how we think and work. 🧠

This is why those “one-size-fits-all” hacks are pure 💩. Productivity is personal, and there’s no secret method that works for everyone. Not even the ice baths and kale smoothies.

So, what does work? Here’s what the truly productive people I’ve been interviewing are doing:

1. 🧠 Adapting to Life’s Changes: They’ve gone through big life events and learned to adapt. They focus on what works for them now—not what worked 6 months ago.

2. 🤝 Collaborating Productivity: They treat productivity as a team sport. Whether it’s with family, colleagues, or support networks, they make sure everyone’s on board and the schedule works for the team.

3. ⏰ Flexible Structure: They have fixed points in their day/week, but they aren’t rigid. Sometimes things need to move, and that’s okay.

4. 🥅 Realistic Goals: They know their priorities and understand what’s truly achievable with the time and resources they have.

5. ❌ Smash that No: They’re never afraid to say “no”. Boundaries = freedom/power.

Enjoy my video raging and tell me what triggers you on this.


PS I’ve been asked two questions all week about last Friday’s vlog. The red trainers are by Victoria (got mine in Sass & Edge Winchester) and if you want to experiment with AI, download ChatGPT as an app. You’re welcome 😘


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