You can’t unscramble this egg


Half-term has been all about chasing my kids around theme parks and water slides. Their enthusiasm for new experiences, especially the thrill of being thrown into the air, never ceases to amaze me.

In stark contrast, my inbox last week was filled with messages from people who are very frustrated and unimpressed by new technology. They highlight its many errors, high costs, and fundamental irresponsibility. Unlike the rides my kids enjoy, the tech lacks safety checks, rules, and adult supervision.

This makes it all the more important for us to study it.

Building on last week’s vlog with Ella, Jana and Marleen from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (apologies for the error last week), here are the key things to know:

1. ⁠It's impossible for people to remember what came from a machine and what came from their own minds. It all scrambles.

2. Questions are emerging about the role of organisations when all knowledge is shared. This is a big one.

Next Week

What do you wish someone had told you before you became a working parent?



What will your kids say when they grow up?


The silent killer of connection