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Save 3 Hours a Week with AI, In 3 Minutes!
Are you an AI cat or dog?
I am meeting a lot of AI cats on my travels. People who distrust AI but truthfully haven’t used it. They have often banned it in their offices (and believe that younger colleagues are not using it secretly ), have commissioned long strategic plans for its use in the future and say that it cannot be trusted because it hallucinates. Which it does. Sometimes.

Men are Gifted. Talented. And working VERY hard.
A report published last year found that women were adopting AI “at a much slower pace” than men. 54% of men versus 35% of women.

You can’t unscramble this egg
Half-term has been all about chasing my kids around theme parks and water slides. Their enthusiasm for new experiences, especially the thrill of being thrown into the air, never ceases to amaze me.

The silent killer of connection
What if new tech’s biggest unexpected impact isn’t hallucinating data, or giving machines too much power but, simply, coming between the people? 🤔

Can AI change my life?
A year into tinkering around the edges of AI it was time to up my game and see what this baby can really do.

Navigating magical tech solutions
I talk a lot about the tech paradox: everyone is wanging on about machine learning while also moaning about how rubbish and disjointed their current tech stack is.

What Role Do Humans Play in an AI-Driven World?
A central theme at the LinkedIn Talent Connect conference, that I had the pleasure of hosting this week was: In a world shaped by AI, what roles will we, the humans, fill?