Looking better than everyone else on Zoom?

Here we are, a year into this crisis, and yet we still have a lot of people—obviously not you dear reader, but your colleagues—with shocking Zoom set ups. Even those appearing on the national news (every day) are a mess: Dominic Raab with a broom behind him; Hancock on his red lavatory of pain; and of course the entire cast of Hanford Parish Council…

Yet this week, a report showed that even AI algorithms rated those with decent backdrops as more employable and more competent.

I’ve run through my own set up to show what a difference it makes. Check it out:

Send me your before and after shots and we’ll include some of them in our Zoom Cheat Sheet PDF that you can download next time.

Next week?

We’ll be delving into the future of offices, in light of Goldman Sachs’ boss, David Solomon, describing WFH as an“aberration” that needs correction asap. And has anyone else thought we may be going back to the Mad Men era?

Meanwhile, I got up at 4am this morning to write an article for the Telegraph about how women aren’t coping well with the downturn—my enthusiasm for schools to go back is riding high right now.

Sending everyone strength as we await Boris’ ‘crocus of hope’ to bloom.



Are we going back to Mad Men?


Getting women back: what will it take?