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Are we…out of touch?
Stand up—don’t worry, you can do it mentally if you’re on the train. Now, sit down if you’ve not heard of:
Chunkz, The Sidemen, Nella Rose, KSI, Niko Omilana, Filly.
This is how Milimo Banji (known as Mils), CEO of TapIn, rather brilliantly shamed a whole lot of us (predominantly white) HR people at a recent Economist conference.

Disability and ‘the soft bigotry of low expectations’
Kate Nash OBE, creator of Purple Space, shared her thoughts with me on why disability so often takes a back seat to gender, ethnicity, and sexuality in our discussions at work. Particularly as those with disabilities make up about 15% of the workforce, even if not all of them are obvious to others.

How much do people like you?
And how much do you actually care? As I’ve grown up, I’ve become reasonably comfortable with being a ‘Marmite’ character that a certain percentage of people can’t stand. It doesn’t bother me at all. But I know many women, and some men, who don’t feel the same way.