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Is hybrid actually the WORST way to work?
Except, of course, as Churchill might have said, for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time…
Hybrid is so wildly popular that even leaders who hate it have mostly conceded defeat and are sticking with it. So much so, that many tell me it’s sorted, done, old news.

How to x100 your hybrid productivity
The question I’m always asked is whether home or office work is more productive. And for all the data reports on this, there isn’t a conclusive pattern (despite what the Daily Mail shouts).
But I have a hypothesis...

Travel & lunch is now discretionary spend
Things are starting to get back to normal, but the office is still feeling just a bit empty. Last week I was asked by two business leaders: “Where are the missing 20%?”
Many are just not engaging with the incoming messages telling them their teams are hoping, wanting, needing to see them…

Rees-Mogg and lies leaders tell themselves
The British government minister responsible for efficiency, is busy bullying civil servants back into offices—with his snotty memos and barrage of data-less articles about ‘slackers’ working from home, he’s as convincing as ever…

Time to get tough with your board!
❌ 74% of managers says they don’t have the influence or resources to make change for employees (Microsoft Work Trend Index)
😒 54% of managers believe that leadership is out of touch with employees.

Hybrid hot buttons
Some of us are embracing hybrid—and each other—as we return to offices more regularly and at scale.
But the skirmishes have started. 🤺

Great hybrid meetings? Think ‘MORE’
If you’d asked Kirsty Lewis (Founder of the School of Facilitation) a year ago if hybrid workshops could be productive, she’d have told you not to bother. Do them online or offline—not both.

Death of hybrid: greatly exaggerated?
Before Christmas I spoke at a finance event, and in the front row was a Charles Dance lookalike who seemed quite cross. And the more I spoke, the crosser he became.

Hybrid: how bosses are struggling
Obviously Boris WOULD announce a work from home order as soon as I get these findings, but I’m just ignoring his dead cat bounce for the moment.

HYBRID: 9 practical solutions
The research on how to hybridise—at scale—isn’t out yet. So, here’s what I’ve gathered from my interviews and reading.
(When the research comes in, I’ll update you!)

Hello world! Navigating the tricky new etiquette
This week I’ve done seven speaking events, plus kicking off a nationwide research tour, which has demanded navigating the world as it wakes up.
It’s a complex place!

The WORST version of hybrid
A siren started in my head the first time I heard someone—at a bank—proposing a hybrid system in which some of the senior people choose where they work… but juniors are required to be in the office, full time.