My career failures (so you can avoid them)

This week I was asked to speak at the Specsavers careers week. Instead of talking about work trends they asked me to share what I’ve learnt about staying ahead of the curve 🎢

Which sounded fine until I realised it involved poking the scars of my many career failures. Since I’d already reopened these old wounds, I’m going to share them with you and then shut back down again like the emotionally stunted Gen Xer I am.

Do let me know yours so I feel less ridiculous.

Also, Bruce and I had a slightly different take on the KPMG CEO report which came out this week. Have a look at the post on my feed.

Christine x

PS. Share this to anyone you think could benefit from reflecting on their career failures.


The bad job cycle and how to break it


A big fat lie we tell ourselves (Victoria Starmer knows the truth)